Alberto J Tsamba
Associate Professor in Energy and Environment
Prof Tsamba, a senior lecturer (Associate Professor in Energy and Environment) at the Faculty of Engineering, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique) and senior researcher at the UEM Energy Research Centre (CPE) and one of the founder-members of the Mozambican Board of Engineers. Prof Tsamba is a Mozambican, 56 years old, married and PhD in Energy and Furnace Technology, by the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He is a senior lecturer (Associate Professor in Energy and Environment) at the Faculty of Engineering, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique) and senior researcher at the UEM Energy Research Centre (CPE) and one of the founder-members of the Mozambican Board of Engineers. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Future Earth Regional Office of Southern Africa (FEROSA) as well as of the Africa Science Plan Steering Committee at the International Science Council-Regional Office of Africa (ISC-ROA) and leads the ISC-ROA Consortium on Sustainable Energy. His field of interest is Energy and Environment, areas in which he is a senior researcher and consultant. Prof has more than 30 years’ experience as consultant, in Renewable Energy Technologies, with emphasis on Biomass Energy Technologies (BET), LFG systems, Energy Planning, Energy Systems Design, among other energy related subjects. As consultant in Environment, he has been working in GHG inventories, Energy systems carbon intensity, MSW management and reuse.