Jaco Quist
Assistant Professor, TU Delft
Jaco Quist is an assistant professor in Sustainable Innovation and Transitions at the Technology, Policy & Management Faculty, Delft University of Technology. He has completed a dissertation on participatory backcasting that was published by Eburon Publishers in 2007 entitled Backcasting for a sustainable future: the impact after 10 years (see www.eburon.nl or repository.tudelft.nl). His research and teaching evolves around sustainable innovation and transitions, in particular around participatory visioning, backcasting and transition management. His research includes: (i) Making visions for transitions, e.g. through applying participatory backcasting and transition management, developing specific tools, methods and modelling for this; (ii) Evaluating the impact of visioning processes, not only shortly after completion and how these have been turned into pathways, but also five to ten years later, and (iii) Vision dynamics in emerging niches and transitions. The includes how emerging visions relate to social innovation, learning, sustainable consumption and new business models. Work is done on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), Circular Economy, Renewable Energy, Climate Adaptation, and Urban Agriculture and Food. Jaco Quist has been the (co)editor of special issues in Technological forecasting (2011, on “Backcasting for sustainable futures”) and in the Journal of Cleaner Production in2013 (on “sustainable Innovation & Sustainable business models” and on “Learning and Collaboration for Sustainable Innovation and Consumption”), and in 2019 (forthcoming, SCP in a Circular Economy).