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Future Earth builds on more than three decades of global environmental change research, which began with the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), DIVERSITAS, and the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP).
Key achievements
Played a critical role in defining and advancing research and solutions in Earth system science, its component subsystems, and their nexus (land, ocean, food, energy, water, etc.), including human societies and health, with the publication of seminal articles in Nature, Science for instance defining the planetary boundaries concept
Helped to shape the Global Sustainability ( SDGs), climate and Biodiversity Agenda and delivered Integrated scientific messages delivered to global leaders
Supported the formation of the Intergovernmental Assessment Mechanism ( IPCC and IPBES) and provide necessary scientific tools and expertise
Developed Research Agenda for Funding agencies, Countries, and EU in defining research priorities
Future Earth’s strength lies in the work of the community, which comprises 27 Global Research Networks, National and Regional Networks (National Committees and Structures, Regional Committees and Offices), and the Early Career Network.
These networks represent academics, policymakers, independent scholars, and students, all working across sectors and