The National Committee of Future Earth, Academia Sinica, Taipei (Future Earth Taipei) was established in October 2015. The Center for Sustainability Science at Academia Sinica (CSS) assists the operation of the Secretariat of Future Earth Taipei. The regular meetings of Future Earth Taipei include the Annual Symposium of Future Earth Taipei and the Standing Committee Meeting. The planned activities of Future Earth Taipei are discussed and approved in these meetings. The 5th Future Earth Taipei committee members were appointed in November, 2023. The committee includes 37 members from various disciplines and stakeholders.
With assistance by CSS, Future Earth Taipei has established 11 Working Groups (WGs) particularly corresponding to Future Earth’s 8 KANs, one Initiative, and the Early Careers: Health, Urban, Natural Assets, Risk, Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SSCP), Ocean, Water-Energy-Food Nexus (WEF), Finance and Economics, Digital Age, Early Career Researchers (ECR), and NGO.
The NGO WG in Future Earth Taipei is a unique one under the Future Earth’s umbrella, being a network that specifically promotes NGOs’ participation in Sustainability Science. The WGs of Future Earth Taipei will continue to cooperate with domestic and foreign relevant partners and organizations.